Is Roundup™ In The Food Chain Destroying The Human Gut Microbiome?

Past posts on this blog have discussed the healing potential of Coca Leaf for a wide range of diseases associated with inflammation, as well as the role that medical Cannabis is playing in helping people deal with the symptoms of, and in some cases successfully treating inflammatory disease. Healing and treating these devastating diseases is a good thing, but the real question is why are they occurring in the first place?

Many people have recognized that the incidence of inflammatory diseases has spiked over the past several decades and wondered what is causing this sudden explosion of suffering and death. Now it is possible to point to at least one of the major highly probable causes – the murderous pursuit of profit by a giant American company that is so powerful that it has gone unregulated by government and unaccountable to legal standards – so far.

Monsanto has claimed for years that their immensely profitable weed-killer Roundup™ works by targeting an enzyme found only in weeds and poses no threat to humans. However, research results are now coming in around the world that say otherwise, as my two previous posts have shown.

Not only is it now known that Roundup™ targets and destroys key enzymes found in the beneficial bacterial colonies that protect the human gut, but that once these bacteria are compromised or destroyed the way is open for gut diseases like Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, IBS, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, and perhaps Pancreatic and Colon cancers.

Along with many others I have wondered why these inflammatory gut diseases, which were rare a generation or two ago, now seem to be epidemic in the populations of “advanced” societies – in other words, in societies where companies like Monsanto have come to dominate the processed food chain with their toxic chemicals and genetically engineered food plants like soy, wheat and corn.

A recent study is typical of many that have tried to find causal factors for the remarkable rise in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The conclusion is right up front.

Current Trends In Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The Natural History
“During the last decades we have seen a steady increase in the incidence of IBD, especially CD (Crohn’s) and to a lesser extent in UC (Ulcerative Colitis), pointing to environmental factors as responsible for the rise in incidence, since genetically determined diseases have a stable occurrence.”

OK, so environmental factors are likely to be the cause of the rise in IBD because if IBD were genetic in origin the incidence of these diseases would be stable.

And not only are the causes environmental, but they must be increasing in incidence in order to explain the increase in incidence of IBD.

By now most people know that correlation is not causation, but take a look at just a few of the hundreds of graphs showing the rise in the use of Roundup™ on food crops over the past decades.

It is clear that Roundup™ is increasingly in every part of the human food chain.


When you overlay Roundup™ use on food with any IBD – in this case Celiac Disease – the results are the same.


The deadly impact of Roundup™ in the food chain is not limited to IBD – here’s a look at Diabetes.


When you combine the strong evidence that Roundup™ causes multiple Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) by destroying key microbes and their crucial metabolites with the irrefutable evidence that there is a powerful correlation between the increase in the use of Roundup™ in every part of the human food chain and the increase in the incidence of IBD worldwide, it would be hard not to conclude that Monsanto is responsible not only for mass murder but also for a hefty portion of increased health care costs. But these greedy scum saw that a day of reckoning was coming and in 1997 they executed a nifty little strategy to avoid accountability.

You can easily trace the thinking behind this whole scheme. According to Monsanto’s own website:

“ Prior to Sept. 1, 1997, a corporation that was then known as Monsanto Company (Former Monsanto) operated an agricultural products business (the Ag Business), a pharmaceuticals and nutrition business (the Pharmaceuticals Business) and a chemical products business (the Chemicals Business). Former Monsanto is today known as Pharmacia LLC. Pharmacia is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., which operates the Pharmaceuticals Business. Solutia is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Eastman Chemical Company, which operates the Chemicals Business. Today’s Monsanto includes the operations, assets and liabilities that were previously the Ag Business.”

In other words, prior to 1997 Monsanto was in the Ag business, the Chemicals business, and the Pharmaceuticals business. At some point in the mid-1990s Monsanto must have realized what their products were doing to people and to the environment and decided to protect themselves by fancy legal footwork that now allows them to say “Who – Us?” when they are accused of profiting at every point in a long causal chain of sickness and death. “We’re just a little old ag company – we don’t have anything to do with chemicals or pharmaceuticals.”

But given how the greedhead corporate mentality works, it isn’t surprising to find that Monsanto is back big time into the health care business with Monsanto Health Solutions, a company that “helps physicians manage their practice”. What a scheme. Get rich making people sick, and get richer by raking off profits from their treatment.

You can read the full story in Monsanto’s own words here.

The corporate world is full of evil people with vile souls, but the executives, board of directors, legal staff and shareholders of Monsanto are at or near the top of the list of pure criminality. Please do what you can to support the current lawsuit in California that has a significant chance of bringing this evil empire to its knees. You can read about this courageous lawsuit here.

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