Medical Expatriation For Coca Leaf Therapy

Medical tourism is an increasingly well-known concept – traveling from a country where the cost of specialized medical care is exorbitant like the US to a country where the standard of medical care is the same or better, but the costs are much lower. Many people have found that when they take into account all of the costs of medical tourism, including the airfare, hotels, hospital and doctors fees, drugs, and even a few weeks of vacation or spa treatments before and/or after their surgery – which is the usual reason for medical travel – the total cost is far less than their cost and even their insurance co-pay would be for just the medical bills in the US.

That’s why medical tourism is currently a $40 Billion a year industry and is growing every year. While much of the interest in traveling overseas for medical treatment is centered on the first-class hospitals and clinics of Asia, there are other destinations like South Africa, which has some of the best heart specialists in the world, and India, where inexpensive generic drugs are available for the treatment of diseases like rare cancers – drugs that in the US can cost tens of thousands of dollars a month, or more. And increasingly people in the US with medical needs are discovering that inexpensive, high quality medical care is available much closer to home – in Latin America.

According to here are some of the advantages offered to medical tourists by some Latin American countries.

Costa Rica offers services in various departments of medicine including orthopedics, bariatrics, ophthamology, dermatology, plastic surgery and dentistry. Savings can be as much as 70 percent or more.

Panama is Central America’s most industrialized country. Its medical tourism sector is growing rapidly with upwards of 50 percent in savings. Also, its use of the U.S. dollar as currency makes it friendly for Americans. Many doctors are bilingual and board certified.

Mexico is popular for dental and medical tourism due to cheap surgeries, which are not covered by American insurance companies. Also growing in Mexico is laser eye surgery, dermatology and cardiology with savings ranging from 30 to 70 percent.

Brazil and Colombia are among the most popular destinations for plastic surgery. With many accredited and awarded doctors, costs are usually cut in half, even adding the travel arrangements. In fact, according to Bloomberg News, Brazil is the sixth most popular destination for medical traveling, with more than 4,500 licensed cosmetic surgeons.

For the US Latino community especially, the attraction of traveling to Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America is to not only spend less but also to have the peace of mind that comes from dealing with Spanish-speaking doctors and quality facilities. Procedures like breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tucks, and facelifts are much more affordable and with proper research, many quality facilities and accredited doctors can be found. Even more critical, very sick Americans are also visiting Latin America for first-class cancer treatment, cheap and safe pharmaceuticals, and holistic diabetes care and rehab. Other factors include favorable exchange rates, bilingual healthcare officials, friendly cultures, tropical climates and exotic locations allowing for relaxing and scenic recovery time.

But let’s take the idea of Latin American medical travel, or tourism, a bit further, and discuss the subject of medical care in terms of relocating from a country with expensive medical care such as the US or the UK to Latin American countries with not only first-class and inexpensive medical care but that also offer medical care of a kind that is simply unavailable in the US or at most other medical destinations – treatment with the pure, natural leaf of the Coca plant, the Divine Plant of the Andes, available legally only in Peru and Bolivia.

Before we go further into this concept let me be clear – I am referring to treatment with the natural whole leaf of the Coca plant, not treatment with the synthetic alkaloid Cocaine. Think of this as the difference between grain alcohol and a fine red wine. Most people know that a large proportion of the medical profession recognizes the great health benefits of drinking a glass or two of red wine a day.

Does anyone suppose that because alcohol is one of the components of that bottle of finely-crafted California Zinfandel, Australian Shiraz, or French Bordeaux that doctors would say that you can just skip the wine and drink a glass or two of grain alcohol a day and get the same health benefits? Of course not. The health benefits of that red wine come from the presence of dozens if not hundreds of different naturally-present chemicals acting together, as nature intended, and not from the alcohol by itself. Similarly, the health benefits of whole leaf Coca, which were proven and widely known to doctors in the 1800s, come not from the single alkaloid Cocaine but from the nineteen different alkaloids and literally hundreds of other components of the whole, natural leaf.

So I hope that I am being clear on this key point – I am advocating that people with a wide range of chronic conditions and diseases that can’t be successfully treated, and certainly not cured, by any of the pharmaceuticals or medical interventions available in the US or any other country under the yoke of the modern industrial medicine and the dark forces of Pig Pharma, consider leaving the US or UK or wherever they are trapped and going to live, more or less permanently, in either Peru or Bolivia, the only two countries in the world where high quality Coca leaf is legal and readily available. And incidentally, both countries with an excellent quality of life affordable even for expats on a limited income that would place them at or near poverty levels in the US or UK.

If you’ve been reading this blog for any time you have already seen my list of diseases/conditions that 19th Century doctors could treat successfully with simple Coca leaf teas and tonics, but if this post is your first visit to my blog let me briefly share a list of those health issues with you – as well as the outrageous amounts of money that Americans are spending to have the US industrial medical establishment ‘treat’ these diseases. If you have any of the following diseases or conditions, expatriating to either Peru or Bolivia will give you access not only to far less expensive but still world-class conventional medical professionals but also to the healing power of pure, natural Coca leaf – an incredibly valuable ‘bonus’.


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