Our Very Own Turd World Economy

turdchartx100 million Americans without work? No problem.

Because if you are one of these people you gotta understand – your role is not to work; it is to not work.

Do not work. Got it? And just to make sure you get the message, in case you go looking for it, you aren’t going to find any.

So – chill. And keep your eyes on the screen.

You see, silly rabbit, only by having a Hundred Million people like you (and me) not working is it possible erect huge institutions that employ millions of certified-loyal people to work the system designed to “take care” of you and me.

That system wouldn’t be possible, or necessary, if there were still thousands of productive, growing communities linked together in a network of shared responsibilities and opportunities in America, but that era is over and gone, unless we can somehow reconstruct it. Otherwise it is already sold off, moved out, gone away, so long suckers. Shit happened while you were looking the other way. Here’s a picture of what happened. Nasty looking stuff there at the end, isn’t it?

Well, that’s how it is. Now everything is centralized because Americans have been deliberately left with no other choice – the decentralized network of productive communities that once supported at least a working version of America is gone, except for a few holdout communities. The rest has simply turned to shit.

So, we just have to accept that centralized institutions are there to do everything from feeding us and housing and educating us, to arresting and imprisoning us, to making us sick and then “healing” us only to make us sick again, to keeping us poor with taxes and fines and surcharges, and then finally discarding us when we are husks. All of this takes a lot of institutional jobs in government, banks, schools, military and other “predator class” institutions

And those who work for these predatory institutions do hold on tight to their jobs. Increasingly and of course by design these are the only good-paying jobs available. So people employed by predatory institutions will do whatever it takes to anybody the institution targets – er, serves – to keep their job because they KNOW what not having a job means in America today.

100 Million people not working in the US? That simply means that there are more than 100 Million people working at high-paid jobs to “take care” of those 100 Million not working. And please, I do agree that society needs institutions like firefighters and health clinics but the basic reason that institutions exist is because most people need groups, and wherever there is a group there will be someone, or more than likely several contenders trying to organize the milling throng to serve their personal agenda.

So can we agree that the predator class and its institutions have to keep the non-workers alive and moving around because in addition to their principal job of “not working” they have a very important, in fact absolutely crucial second role as “Consumer”? I think this is a psychic phenomenon that someday will be recorded as a breaking point in American history – the predator class propagandists and mind-control artists have 100 million non-workers proudly calling themselves Consumers, and demanding their rights as Consumers. Exquisite!

Now this sweet little state of affairs didn’t just happen.

The only way to create to massive numbers of people not working is to make their jobs disappear along with their community structures and then to make them dependent on those working to take care of them – and to do all this without creating a revolution. Luckily for the predator class, the behavioral psychology discoveries that exploded simultaneously with mass media in America made it almost easy to accomplish the hollowing out of America in plain view of an entire people being transfixed and programmed while the predators were stealing their jobs, their communities, and their families.

So as long as the 100 million Americans who are not working can be kept focused on their consumer benefits and rights rather than asking where the hell their country went, then then all’s good with the predator class and its governments, churches and banks. Hell, we even keep feeding the institutions with our children while they leer in our face and declare that everything they do is “for the children”.

So, all’s good as long as all the important institutions, government, corporate, religious and social, manage to stay on top of those 100 Million who don’t work and keep them all not only not working but damn proud to be an American.

Those institutions have to make sure that all 100 million people keep on doing all the things that create institutional jobs – speeding, stealing, fighting, having babies, getting high, hating and injuring, and making life miserable for each other. All good. Makes lots of jobs. Just the way it’s supposed to be. There is a balance and as long as the balance holds the rulers rule.

On the other hand, an awful lot of mostly young people did seem to get excited about the ideas of a craggy old Senator from Vermont recently, so maybe the grip of the predator class and its ruling institutions on 100 million Americans isn’t quite as complete as they would no doubt like it to be. I still have some hope for all of us.


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